Dienstag, März 20, 2007

Flat hunting

Flat hunting in Berlin. Well, from April on I will have to shift to *somewhere else*, preferably another shared flat, of course. Berlin is reasonably big and it's the beginning of the new semester, so there are plenty of shared flats to visit.

Without translating it word by word, but what would you expect from a 5-person flat with this description:

Die WG befindet sich in einer alten Fabriketage, die zu Wohnzweck umgebaut wurde. Es gibt ein großes "Wohnzimmer" (100m2)! Es ist alles ziehmlich locker - gibt also auch keinen Putzplan oder dergleichen.ein wenig kaos kommt da schonmal vor - soviel sei gesagt!
Ach ja du hast auch ein nettes Hochbett.
Wenn du noch fragen hast ruf einfach an.

The flat is situated in a reconstructed, former factory building. There's a large "living room" (100 sqm). Everything is pretty easy-going. No cleaning plan, chaos might occur. So much for that!
You have a nice loft bed. Call us, if you got any questions."

I think I should give it a shot... :-)

Freitag, März 16, 2007

Observing tourists

Today I went back home from Wedding (Berlin district, not a wedding) by bike. Well, I also went to Wedding by bike, but on the way back I found myself stopping at Großer Stern. Not only this wasn't the shortest way, I also stopped for no special purpose than staring at that tower-like thing for a minute. Then I started to like the situation with all the tourists stopping, taking photos and digging for their maps. I headed for the Brandenburger Tor after not less than 20min, just to do the same there: observing. (Panoramic picture from the top of Großer Stern: here)

Surprisingly it was quite fun! Of course most (or all?) of the people stopping there were tourists. And that's it. It was this atmosphere I liked. Not that I would love tourist crowds when being abroad myself, in fact abroad I just hate them. But that's why it was so much fun here, because at home you don't have this. They are having free time, they dance to the music of that hand organ player and take photos of themselves (with him). I managed to stay there for at least 30min's, not getting bored at all. Felt like being abroad a bit... funny.

Oh, well, yes: I finally switched to english. Let's see for how long.

Donnerstag, März 01, 2007

die lange Bank

...und weil sich zwei Revivalwochen Helsinki nunmal wirklich nicht gebührend zwischen Tür und Angel beschreiben lassen, kommt entsprechender Eintrag/Einträge später. Wie immer.
Diesmal aber wirklich. Oder wie war das mit den Retorteneinträgen...?

Wer ist unbefugt?

Weg aus Helsinki, weg von Schnee und Joghurt in Literpacks - zurück im deutschen Dauerregen und Nieselpieselekelundtrübetassenwetter. Heute also im StudiVZ.

Irgendwie hält sich die Überraschung in Grenzen. Dabei hatte ich ganz vergessen, wieviel Spaß mir DonAlphonsos Blog zum Thema StudiVZ ne zeitlang bereitete, der auch obigen Sachverhalt kommentiert. Der Spaß hört aber langsam auf, wenn man für seinen supercoolen StudiVZ Account mal kein Quatschpasswort à la "geheim2000" eingegeben hat. Deswegen.