Kleiner Unterschied zum pasilanischen Betondschungel. Geruch von Kiefern am Frühstückstisch gratis *freu*.
2 Kommentare:
hat gesagt…
Wow so great! I lived in Pasila -Junailijankuja 5a room 35 last year from August 'till December! Do you know my old friends Simon Rudolf, Mattis and Jochen and more? Enjoy your time!
Hmm, those names don't ring a bell. But I am quite bad with names, so that doesn't necessarily mean I didn't know them, haha. I know Jana, who lived up there. Do you know her?
2 Kommentare:
Wow so great! I lived in Pasila -Junailijankuja 5a room 35 last year from August 'till December! Do you know my old friends Simon Rudolf, Mattis and Jochen and more?
Enjoy your time!
Hmm, those names don't ring a bell. But I am quite bad with names, so that doesn't necessarily mean I didn't know them, haha. I know Jana, who lived up there. Do you know her?
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